Among my other research activities, early in the month, while John Oleson, the director of the Humayma excavations, was around, I continued to work on my Humayma excavation reports. I also translated a short article of my Palestinian colleague Khader Salameh about the Armenians in 19th Century Jerusalem. I also evaluated the MA thesis of student at Adelaide University in Australia about Byzantine mosaics in Jordan.
June was a busy month at ACOR, with a lot of people on various excavation projects passing through. In the middle of the month a group of American students arrived for a two-month Arabic language program, so the building has been full to capacity.
I also went on a number of trips to visit archaeological sites. In early June the ACOR trustees were around and on Friday June 4 I joined them on a day trip to Umm al-Jimal in northern Jordan, where I spoke about the churches I had excavated there during the 1984 season.
We then went to the nearby site of Umm al-Surab and then to a winery at Jabr, near the border with Syria. We hung out at the swimming pool at the residence of the vineyard proprietor, who also held a wine-tasting session.
Also on Saturday June 19 I went with Tom Parker, the director of the al-Lajjun excavations, and Stephanie Brown, a graduate student, to visit sites south of Amman. We went to the site of Massuh, where I had not been before, as well as Hesban, Tell ‘Umayri and the newly discovered church at ‘Umayri East, and Khirbat al-Sar.
Among other activities, on June 7 I led a tour of the main King Abdullah mosque in the city center for the members of a dig team from the US. On June 9 I went to the Columbia University Center for a showing of the movie Hurt Locker. The showing was outdoors, but it was cool enough to be unpleasant; many of the audience left early on. I also attended the usual round of public lectures at ACOR and a reception at the German archaeological institute.
I continue to watch a lot of German-language video podcasts. This month I watched a 14-part lecture series about cultural anthropology posted on the University of Munich’s iTunes University site.
I continue to watch a lot of German-language video podcasts. This month I watched a 14-part lecture series about cultural anthropology posted on the University of Munich’s iTunes University site.